Since 2008, I have been providing Kodály training to teachers in Latin America. In the workshops, I share songs, games, planning strategies, and the philosophy.
The teachers' interest, to implement the pedagogy in their classrooms, led me to the conclusion that it was time to write a book to share my experiences in the classroom, and the fabulous strategies that this wonderful concept of music education offers 📖 🎶❤️
Why the magic of Kodály? ✨💫 Because the sparkle in a child's eyes when discovering a new concept, the enthusiastic hand that shoots up like lightning to share their idea with others, the voice that sings and guides the rest of their classmates, for me, is magical.
I invite you to read a few pages, see some examples of class segments, to enrich your music room and turn your class into a space of joy and natural learning. In my biography, you will find a direct link to my website, where you can discover my book. I hope you enjoy every page as much as I enjoyed writing it!
En mi biografía encontrarán enlace directo a mi sitio web, donde podrán descubrir mi libro. ¡Espero que disfruten cada página tanto como yo disfruté escribirlo!